Friday, June 20, 2014

The Assessment

All right everyone, this is my attempt at writing a "Where I am From" poem from the point of view of a standardized test. It is a work in progress, so needless to say, any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

I am from good intentions and bad executions 
From wanting a quality education for all children

I am from accountability in schools
Multiple choice questions, timed essays, and 26 blank lines 

I am from wanting to fix the system 
But instead I took over 
Strategies, reading levels, and interventions

From we must improve education, to we must improve our schools scores
I have turned teachers against teachers
 teachers against students
parents against teachers
teachers against me 

All to justify my existence 

I am from wanting to improve learning but on second thought,
I sucked the life out of it 

Form the mortal blow to education,
The end all, be all
The coup de grace


1 comment:

  1. Holly,

    Standardized testing is no fun! Even though I do not deal with same stress that others teachers do with testing, I still see how stressful it is for both teachers and students. It is obvious that you are an amazing teacher that thrives for student success and I felt that your "Where I am From" poem really addressed those key points.
